Gujarat Wikipedia. Gujarat Guj. The state is bordered by Rajasthan to the north, Maharashtra to the south, Madhya Pradesh to the east, and the Arabian Sea and the Pakistani province of Sindh to the west. Its capital city is Gandhinagar, while its largest city is Ahmedabad. Gujarat is home to the Gujarati speaking people of India. The state encompasses some sites of the ancient Indus Valley Civilization, such as Lothal and Dholavira. Lothal is believed to be one of the worlds first seaports. Gujarats coastal cities, chiefly Bharuch and Khambhat, served as ports and trading centres in the Maurya and Gupta empires, and during the succession of royal Saka dynasties from the Western Satraps era. Gujarat was known to the ancient Greeks, and was familiar in other Western centres of civilisation through the end of the European Middle Ages. After the Ghoris had assumed a position of Muslim supremacy over North India, Qutbuddin Aibak attempted to conquer Gujarat and annex it to his empire in 1197 but. It is unclear which firm this involves. In other news that seems to have gotten lost in the shuffle, at the 150 mark of Senator Markeys interview with CNN. The oldest written record of Gujarats 2,0. Greek book titled The Periplus of the Erythraean Sea Travel and Trade in the Indian Ocean by a Merchant of the First Century. It contains ancient metropolitan cities from the Indus Valley such as Lothal, Dholavira, and Gola Dhoro. The ancient city of Lothal was where Indias first port was established. The ancient city of Dholavira is one of the largest and most prominent archaeological sites in India, belonging to the Indus Valley Civilization. F2o_Eex4/hqdefault.jpg' alt='Chandragupta Maurya Episode 108 Full Episode' title='Chandragupta Maurya Episode 108 Full Episode' />The most recent discovery was Gola Dhoro. Altogether, about 5. Indus Valley settlement ruins have been discovered in Gujarat. There is clear historical evidence of trade and commerce ties with Egypt, Bahrain and Sumer in the Persian Gulf during the time period of 1. BC. Pushyagupta, a Vaishya, was appointed governor of Saurashtra by the Mauryan regime. He ruled Giringer modern day Junagadh 3. BC to 2. 94 BC and built a dam on the Sudarshan lake. Emperor Ashoka, the grandson of Chandragupta Maurya, not only ordered engraving of his edicts on the rock at Junagadh, but asked Governor Tusherpha to cut canals from the lake where an earlier Mauryan governor had built a dam. Between the decline of Mauryan power and Saurashtra coming under the sway of the Samprati Mauryas of Ujjain, there was a Indo Greek incursion into Gujarat led by Demetrius. In the first half of the 1st century AD there is the story of a merchant of King Gondaphares landing in Gujarat with Apostle Thomas. Fugoh Keiji Season 2 Episode 1. The incident of the cup bearer killed by a lion might indicate that the port city described is in Gujarat. The weather beaten rock at Junagadh gives a glimpse of the ruler Rudradaman I 1. AD of the Saka satraps known as Western Satraps, or Kshatraps. Mahakshatrap Rudradaman I founded the Kardamaka dynasty which ruled from Anupa on the banks of the Narmada up to the Aparanta region which bordered Punjab. In Gujarat several battles were fought between the south Indian Satavahana dynasty and the Western Satraps. The greatest ruler of the Satavahana Dynasty was Gautamiputra Satakarni who defeated the Western Satraps and conquered some parts of Gujarat in the 2nd century CE. Vikramadityas successor Skandagupta left an inscription 4. AD on a rock at Junagadh which gives details of the governors repairs to the embankment surrounding Sudarshan lake after it was damaged by floods. The Anarta and Saurashtra regions were both part of the Gupta empire. C0sRr0UQC0/hqdefault.jpg' alt='Chandragupta Maurya Episode 108 Full Episode' title='Chandragupta Maurya Episode 108 Full Episode' />ABOUT SANSKRIT. Evolution of Sanskrit Language Sanskrit is an ancient and classical language of India in which ever first book of the world Rigveda. Towards the middle of the 5th century, the Gupta empire went into decline. Senapati Bhatarka, the Maitraka general of the Guptas, took advantage of the situation and in 4. AD he set up what came to be known as the Maitraka state. He shifted his capital from Giringer to Valabhipur, near Bhavnagar, on Saurashtras east coast. The Maitrakas of Vallabhi became very powerful with their rule prevailing over large parts of Gujarat and adjoining Malwa. A university was set up by the Maitrakas, which came to be known far and wide for its scholastic pursuits and was compared with the noted Nalanda university. It was during the rule of Dhruvasena Maitrak that Chinese philosopher traveler Xuanzang visited in 6. AD along the Silk Road. Al Junaid, the successor of Qasim, finally subdued the Hindu resistance within Sindh and had established a secure base. The Arab rulers tried to expand their empire southeast, which culminated in the Caliphate campaigns in India fought in 7. CE. However, the Arab invaders were defeated and repelled from the areas east of the Indus river by a Hindu alliance between the north Indian Gurjar Emperor Nagabhata I of the Pratihara Dynasty, the south Indian Emperor Vikramaditya II of the Chalukya dynasty and many other local small Hindu kingdoms. After this victory, the Arab invaders were driven out of Gujarat. General Pulakesi, a Chalukya prince of Lata, received the title Avanijanashraya refuge of the people of the earth and honorific of. The three major Indian dynasties the northwest Indian Gurjara Pratihara Dynasty, the south Indian Rashtrakuta Dynasty and the east Indian Pala Empire dominated India from the 8th to 1. During this period the northern part of Gujarat was ruled by the north Indian Gurjara Pratihara dynasty and the southern part of Gujarat was ruled by the south Indian Rashtrakuta dynasty. The descendants of those Zoroastrian refugees came to be known as the Parsi. In the early 8th century the Arabs of the Umayyad Caliphate established an Empire which stretched from Spain in the west to Afghanistan and Pakistan in the east. The Arab rulers tried to expand their empire in the 8th century and invaded Gujarat but the Arab invaders were defeated by the south Indian general Pulakesi who was sent by the south Indian Emperor Vikramaditya II of the Chalukya Dynasty. After this victory the Arab invaders were driven out of Gujarat. Pulakesi received the title Avanijanashraya refuge of the people of the earth by Vikramaditya II for the protection of Gujarat. In the late 8th century the Kannauj Triangle period started. The 3 major Indian Dynasties the northwest Indian Gurjara Pratihara Dynasty, the south Indian Rashtrakuta Dynasty and the east Indian Pala Empire dominated India from the 8th to 1. During this period the northern part of Gujarat was ruled by the north Indian Gurjara Pratihara Dynasty and the southern part of Gujarat was ruled by the south Indian Rashtrakuta Dynasty. Gujarat was a major centre of Indian Ocean trade, and their capital at Anhilwara Patan was one of the largest cities in India, with population estimated at 1. In 1. 02. 6, the famous Somnath temple in Gujarat was destroyed by Mahmud of Ghazni. After 1. 24. 3, the Solankis lost control of Gujarat to their feudatories, of whom the Vaghela chiefs of Dholka came to dominate Gujarat. In 1. 29. 2 the Vaghelas became tributaries of the Yadava dynasty of Devagiri in the Deccan. Karandev of the Vaghela dynasty was the last Hindu ruler of Gujarat. He was defeated and overthrown by the superior forces of Allauddin Khilji from Delhi in 1. With his defeat Gujarat not only became part of the Muslim empire but the Rajput hold over Gujarat lost for ever. Muslim rule. After Timurs sacking of Delhi at the end of the 1. Sultanate, Gujarats Muslim Rajput governor Zafar Khan Muzaffar Muzaffar Shah I asserted his independence, and his son, Sultan Ahmed Shah ruled 1. Ahmedabad as the capital. Khambhat eclipsed Bharuch as Gujarats most important trade port. Gujarats relations with Egypt, which was then the premier Arab power in the Middle East remained friendly over the next century and the Egyptian scholar, Badruddin ad Damamimi, spent several years in Gujarat in the shade of the Sultan before proceeding to the Bahmani Sultanate of the Deccan. The eminent city of Surat, famous for its cargo export of silk and diamonds had come on a par with contemporary Venice and Beijing which were some of the great mercantile cities of Europe and Asia. The reason is that the majority of its inhabitants are foreign merchants, who continually build their beautiful houses and wonderful mosques an achievement in which they endeavor to surpass each other. Chandragupta Maurya Biography, History and Facts. Born in 3. 40 BC Chandragupta was the founder of Mauryan Empire in India. He was the first ruler who consolidated almost whole of India and for the first time ruled the unified India. Historian are of different opinion regarding the birth of Chandragupta, some believe him to be from Magadha, as the son of a Nanda Prince, while others connect him to Gandhara. He was the disciple of Chanakya, a teacher in Taxila. Chanakya saw the prince of Taxila, Ambhi, making treaty with Alexander, and felt very bad and realized the need of an empire that can stand against the foreign invasion. Watch The Hoax Streaming on this page. He found child Chandragupta to be very brilliant in military and administrative skills and started tutoring him. Chandragupta with the help of Chanakya, started building the famous Mauryan Empire, and defeated King Dhana Nanda. He formed many other alliances and built a composite army of Yavanas, Kambojas, Shakas, Kiratas, Parasikas and Bahlikas. After defeating Dhana Nanda he acquired his army and territory and used all this in acquiring more territories. His empire extended from Bay of Bengal in the East to Arabian Sea in. West. He entered into an alliance with Seleucus in 3. BC, and as a result he got Western Territories of Southern Afghanistan and parts of Persia. Seleucus sent his ambassador, Megasthenes, to the court of Chandragupta Maurya. Megasthenes wrote an elaborate account of the army and power of the king. He ended his life in self starvation at Sravenbelagola, a place in. Karnataka, leaving behind a mighty Mauryan Empire.