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Hollywood Reporter Entertainment News. The veteran agent stands accused of sexual harassment and assault from numerous men who have spoken out on social media this week, including Blaise Godbe Lipman, Lucas Ozarowski and Jordan Gavaris.

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The Hollywood Reporter is your source for breaking news about Hollywood and entertainment, including movies, TV, reviews and industry blogs. McAvoy was born on 21 April 1979 in Glasgow, Scotland, to Elizabeth (née Johnstone), a nurse, and James McAvoy senior, a bus driver. Watch In The Blink Of An Eye HDQ. He was raised on.

California Muslim leader apologizes for anti-semitic sermon calling for the 'liberation' of holy Islamic site in Jerusalem from the 'filth of the Jews'.

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  • Movie-watchers won’t know much about the veela in Harry Potter, but book readers will remember that we were first introduced to them in Goblet of Fire, when they.
  • Directed by Andy King. With Melinda Shankar, Pat Thornton, Danny Polishchuk, Carrie Beale. When a mayor running for re-election is caught on video smoking crack, he.
  • A woman kept two of her five young children in makeshift cages and all of them lived in a home full of trash, rotting food and fleas on Virg.